Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please click on Register. Choose a username and a password. Then select a secret question and its answer as provided in the system. Please remember the answer for recovering your password, if forgotten.

To protect your identity, please feel free to choose a ‘pen name’ as your username. (Pen name – an imaginary name you use instead of your real name to protect your identity).

Your username is your unique ID in the system. Once your username is registered, no other person registering can use the same username. Please make sure you remember your username. If you forget the username, you will not be able to recover it. You then have to re-register with a new username. All earlier entries made with the forgotten username, however, will be lost.

You can login with your username and password. Once on the next page, submit your System Launch Key (SLK). The SLK can be obtained from your school/college/company/organization. You can then view and read the welcome message. Hit Proceed to enter “My Exclusive Page” where by clicking ‘My Dilemma’, you can communicate with your confidential mentor.

Your Mentor offers a professional response on any matter that bothers you. It enables you to take a final decision on your own. The process adds value by bringing new insights, ideas, concepts and innovation in your life/studies/research or career.

Your Mentor will respond to your precise request if you select it from the drop down menu. You can ask for Advice, Analysis, Answer, Example, Fact, Help, Guidance, Information, Observation, Referral, Signpost, Tips, Tools, and Views.

Your description should be brief, clear and ‘to the point’ presented along with the context.

When you enter "My Exclusive Page", please click 'My Dilemma' and then:

step 1. Please write a title of your idea/issue/problem/dilemma/question (Title is Mandatory).
step 2. Fill in all the required information and please accept the Terms & Condition AND then:
step 3. Click next>> to submit.

The title is the sole ID of your idea/issue/problem/dilemma/question and is mandatory. This is for you and your confidential mentor to keep track of your particular idea/issue/problem/dilemma/question. Used title of any idea/issue/problem/dilemma/question cannot be repeated. Serial numbers to your title will appear automatically when you use reply mode continuing your interaction with the mentor. The continued inputs will reach the same mentor until being resolved or closed by either of you.

Your virtual mentor will offer a professional response on your idea/issue/problem/dilemma/question. The response time will be indicated in 'My Dilemma' page. The response will then be displayed under your chosen title in your own 'My List' page. The record of mentoring interactions will be deleted after six months of completion.

On 'My List' page, you may like to hit Feedback and share your user experience.

No, if you keep your Username and Password to yourself.

No, not at all. You are requested only to share your idea/issue/problem/dilemma/question and relevant details with your Mentor. Your Mentor will not and should not share the contact details with you or ask for the same.

A dilemma can arise if you have ideas, issues, problems or questions that are difficult to deal with. You face a dilemma when you have two or more possible options or solutions and you are not sure which one to choose.

Having a dilemma is not a sign of weakness. Everyone, including highly successful or powerful people, faces dilemmas. Feeling unable to resolve dilemmas may cause stress and anxiety with negative effect on your wellbeing and career.